Tuesday, February 15, 2011


As Christian’s we view feminism as a way to change the contemporary family style. Feminism is changing the way that the family is taken care of. For example, females are now going to work in the work force instead of staying at home to take care of the kids. By doing this they are putting their kids into day cares, which has been shown to affect the child’s growth as well as their relationship with the mother and the father. Feminism is also affecting the way relationships are being held. Mothers are now spending so much time in the work force that they are neglecting the home, thus creating problems at home and leading to many more divorces than before. With this the child sees this and thinks that this is an acceptable way to take care of their problems. As Christian’s we are called to do certain things with certain traits that God gave us. Men love to work and have a job, where as mothers are great at relationships and are continuing to try and lengthen their relationships. Mothers are also called to nurture and protect the children and if they send them to day care they can’t do quite as good of a job at that. On the same lines, men are called to provide and be the little king. We are supposed to keep the family out of trouble. When someone does something wrong, it not only looks bad for the kid but also for the father who is the head of the house. He is supposed to be responsible just as Christ took responsibility for our sins on the cross.

The main problem I see in today’s society is that women like to be the little king and they were not meant to be that. I also see that the men let the women take that responsibility just as Adam let Eve take the little king spot. To fix this problem, men need to take responsibility and to take the wheel. For women they need to keep the men out of trouble and let the man take the lead. God made us in his image but with specific tasks that we would be better at so we should try and keep those roles normal.

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