Monday, March 21, 2011

Abortion # 2

I would agree with portions of this argument, the problem is that people who are for pro-choice miss some of the bigger pictures. The first is that although a mother has the kid and does not abort it, does not mean that the mother must keep it. A very viable option that is overlooked a great percentage of the time is adoption. A kid can be adopted and thus solves the problem of the mom having to take on the extra responsibility that a child comes with. Another one going along with that is family. The teen still has a family who, for the most part, could contribute to the health and welfare of the child. I personally know of a family whom daughter got pregnant while still in high school. She wanted to still have the opportunity to go to college and so the mom and dad took on the responsibility of watching and taking care of the kid while she finished up school.

The second part of this question that I will tackle next is divorce. The problem is that most teen mothers don’t get pregnant with a husband in the first place. It usually is with a boyfriend, who in the case of this situation has an obligation to help the mother, whether they get married in the end or not. The boyfriend will have to pay child support but that is no reason to kill a baby in an abortion. The boyfriend got the teen girl into the situation and so should take responsibility for his actions.

I would say that yes there are health risks with having a baby, but the risk of having an abortion is just as great. What if that teen later in life wants to have a baby with her husband, and she can’t because of the health problems that can arise from having an abortion. The problem in today’s society is that we focus on one side of the coin. There are health issues with both choice, but I would say the choice to have an abortion is greater. Not only can an abortion have dramatic effects on the reproductive system, but it can also have dramatic effects on the teen mother psychologically as well. The thought of killing a baby is very traumatizing. On average most women who have an abortion suffer from some kind of posttraumatic stress disorder because of the abortion.

I would have to say that the statement about parental care would vary. It all depends on the family support that the mother has. If her parents are willing to help support her and to help her take care of the baby, not only can she still live some kind of life but also does not have to hold the entire burden of a kid. On the opposite side, if parents don’t want to have anything to do with the kid this puts the girl into a very sticky situation especially when the boyfriend also doesn’t want to help in any way also. I would say if the mother has good parents they will be willing to help her and that she will not have to many problems but on the same side she could have problems. It all comes down to communication.

1 comment:

  1. Zack, you got sidetracked and chased all the rabbit trails. Keep it simple, it all comes down to the question, what is the unborn. 30/40
