Friday, March 25, 2011

Secular Government

In today’s society, there is one word that has been stirred up quite a bit in the world, and that is globalization. The idea that the world has one unified government in which there are one set of rules. Globalization is especially important to a secular group because it is a way to institute a rule that there is no religion.

Secular law would be one unified law that creates a life without any role of religion. There are a couple issues with this, the first being as Christians, we do not want people to take our right to say that God created us. In the secular law, there is no God and thus religion is unneeded. A quote from the book says that a secular law would be, “A non-religious political body that would make, interpret, and enforce a set of international laws” (Noebel 333).

Not only do Secular Humanists want a unified government, but also Marxists and Islam as well want a unified government. The key in this is that there are so many religions in our world an I see complications because of the differing views. There will never be a true unified government until the return of Christ because of the sinful nature. Humans will always have rule breakers, people who won’t follow the rules.

Along with differing views, everyone will have differing morals. What is stopping parents to teach their kids their moral ethics? They will see how their parents act and be just as they act. We see this today in a non-unified world. There will always be people with differing morals and convictions, which make it impossible for a unified government.

I believe that if we had a unified government we would see the same kinds of things we are seeing today in Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt. They were under a “unified” leader which is exactly what we would be under with a unified government. What is going to stop people from doing exactly what they are doing now? The would will turn into chaos even though people think it won’t.

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